The Most Important UI: You

A lightning talk about the lack of self-care in the tech industry and how you can build your own self-care toolkit.


Let’s face it, lack of self-care is a problem in the tech industry. We wear exhaustion like a badge of honor, promote unrealistic expectations about loyalty, and often times we neglect our body, heart, and mind’s most basic needs. In this talk, we’ll discuss the scope of this issue and learn how you can build your own self-care toolkit.

⏱️ Talk duration: ⚡ 5-10 minutes

🌈 Slides and a list of resources mentioned during the presentation

Presented at:

🇩🇪 QueerJS Berlin on July 27, 2023
🌐 Women of React on April 25, 2020 (YouTube)
🇬🇧 HalfStack London on November 16, 2018 (Video)
🇩🇪 EnthusiastiCon on May 25, 2018 (YouTube)
🇩🇪 :clojureD on February 24, 2018 (YouTube)
🇩🇪 GDG DevFest Berlin on November 4, 2017
🇩🇪 Women Who Code Berlin Meetup on November 21, 2017
🇨🇿 Write the Docs Prague on September 11, 2017 (YouTube)

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