Featured work

FAWCO's Inspiring Women Magazine

Googling my way from journalism to engineering and back

How I used a search engine to find friends and change careers in a new city.

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Googling my way from journalism to engineering and back

New Babe, New Strap

A personal essay on buying a new strap-on, written for their Strap Week series.

Read the article
New Babe, New Strap
Blog post

Creating a digital CV in Markdown on GitHub

How to build and host a digital CV using GitHub Pages and a README.md file.

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Tentilex: The winning project from the Rainbows End Sex Tech Hackathon

An archive, brain dump, mood board, maybe something in between of our hackathon win in May 2021.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for graphql.org

As part of Google Season of Docs, I worked with the GraphQL Foundation to create an FAQ resource.

Read it on graphql.org

Get to know me


Majority of the week, I'm a frontend engineer focused on accessibility, design, and documentation. Beyond that, I'm a freelance journalist and editor. I'm currently the Deputy Editor of Future of Sex with other bylines in Sex For Every Body, Autostraddle, Curve Magazine, and elsewhere. Outside of work, you'll usually find me binging JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, doing puzzles with my partner, or trying a new gluten-free treat 🍰

If you're feeling generous and like what I do, you can support my work by buying me a coffee ☕️

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